Sacramento Nerve Damage Attorney
We’re Here to Fight for You if You’re Facing the Painful Symptoms of Nerve Damage
When a vehicle accident or case of medical malpractice leads to the severance or compression of any nerve in the body, a victim may suffer symptoms like chronic pain or even disability. This may seem disproportionate given how small nerves are, but because they are direct conduits to our brain, damage to these cells can affect vital communication. Sometimes physical therapy is enough to help a victim heal; sometimes surgery is necessary; and sometimes a patient needs painkillers for the rest of their life. These injuries can also have strong emotional effects on victims who find themselves unable to participate in activities they once loved.
Nerve damage is the type of injury that tends to be life-altering for a victim and their family. For those in this situation because of an accident, we want to know how we can help you. Our team at Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. understands the difficulties you and your loved ones may face after a catastrophic injury. Our first step in every case is getting to know our client so we can represent them fully and fight for their priorities. It's important to get a dedicated attorney who cares about helping you plan for your future. Come speak to our team today to learn how we can support you during this difficult time.
Call Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. at (916) 229-6755 to schedule a free consultation. We serve nerve injury victims in and around Sacramento.
Making a Claim After Suffering from Nerve Damage
The injuries that cause nerve damage may seem minor at the time. After all, most of us have tweaked a nerve or gotten pins and needles after sitting still for too long. However, while minor damage like this can right itself quickly, a pinched or torn nerve can have long-lasting effects. If you’ve been injured in this way, you could be able to receive compensation for damages including:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Future medical costs
- Physical therapy
- Pain & suffering
Bring your diagnosis to us if you’re looking for help after a serious nerve injury. We can work with medical experts to request a settlement that will cover your needs now and in the future.
Three Degrees of Nerve Damage
One of the larger factors in determining the amount of compensation you may be eligible for is the severity of the nerve damage. Doctors categorize nerve injuries into three levels:
- Neurapraxia: This is the least severe form of nerve injury, typically caused by compression that damages the myelin sheath around a nerve. By attending physical therapy and avoiding motions that could aggravate the injury, patients usually heal within a few months.
- Axonotmesis: This more severe type of nerve injury affects both the myelin sheath and the axons. It can result in loss of sensory and motor function (paralysis) in a certain area of the body. Patients may need corrective surgery and/or nerve stimulation treatments to trigger regrowth. The process is slow, leading to an extended recovery period.
- Neurotmesis: The most severe type of nerve damage is complete severance, which cannot be repaired. Though surgery may help mitigate some of the damage, patients are likely to suffer permanent disability or paralysis.
Even “mild” nerve damage may require costly and extensive procedures and treatments. Those with more serious injuries may need life-long care and assistance. You shouldn’t bear these costs alone if someone else caused your injury. We want to help make things right.
Suffering from Nerve Damage? Call Del Rio & Caraway, P.C.
The catastrophic injury attorneys at Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. will fight relentlessly on your behalf if you have suffered nerve damage or other serious injuries in an accident. When you find yourself facing extensive medical needs, it’s important to have financial security so you can maintain your quality of life while accessing proper treatment. Our team is here to help you make a legal plan to address these needs.
After a serious accident, make sure you have someone on your side who knows how to handle complex and technical cases. Our team has over 50 years of combined experience and we’re not afraid of litigation. Call us now to see how we can help you.
Contact Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. at (916) 229-6755 for more information about your legal options. Our Sacramento nerve damage & injury attorneys are ready to fight for you.

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And We Never Back Down
Aggressively Advocating On Your BehalfWe'll go toe-to-toe with insurance companies on your behalf to make sure you're getting a fair settlement and take care of all of the negotiations that follow.
Legal Services Tailored For YouEvery case posses its own unique challenges, which is why we always adjust our approach based upon the specific circumstances surrounding your case.
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We're committed to getting you the best possible outcome regardless of the size or scope of your case and charge no up-front legal fees for our services.