Attorneys Ognian Gavrilov and Daniel Del Rio obtained a $1,670,689 jury verdict in Venkus v. Nolasco, et. al. 34-2016-00204507, Sacramento County, Dept. 35, Judge Perkins.
After a motor vehicle accident that was relatively minor, Plaintiff was able to drive his vehicle from the accident scene. Liability was disputed until one week prior to trial.
Plaintiff developed low-back pain that culminated in a single-level lumbar surgery and reported a complete recovery after the surgery and went back to working manual labor.
Plaintiff had a 998 offer of $1M. During mediation, Plaintiff’s best offer was $850K and Defendant’s best offer was $650K. The jury’s verdict came in at $1,670,689, and there are pending costs and interest of $180,000.
Plaintiff’s trial counsel were Ognian Gavrilov of Gavrilov & Brooks, and Daniel Del Rio and David Trent of Del Rio and Caraway, PC. Defendant’s counsel was Brian Gunn of Wolfe & Wyman.