Sacramento Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer
Pursue Compensation with Del Rio & Caraway, P.C.
With increasing technology comes an increase in distracted driving. Distracted driving is being compared to drunk driving in the effect it has on the driver’s ability to operate their vehicle safely and the amount of devastation it can cause. In a recent survey, 431,000 individuals were injured in vehicle crashes and accidents involving a distracted driver.
At Del Rio & Caraway, P.C., we provide passionate representation for those who have been injured or for the loved ones of those who have died as a result of distracted driving. Our staff prioritize your needs and concerns throughout each step of the case so that you have the support you need in order to move beyond your current circumstances towards a secure future. We are available 24/7 to take your calls and provide free case evaluations to get you started!
Call (916) 229-6755 for a free consultation with a Sacramento distracted driving accident attorney today. You don’t owe any fees upfront and won’t owe us anything unless we obtain compensation on your behalf.
Definition of Distracted Driving
When driving, a person’s attention should be focused entirely on that task. Unfortunately, many try to multitask while driving. In so doing, they put their lives and the lives of any surrounding individuals in danger. Distracted driving is anything that takes a driver’s focus off of driving.
Common distractions can include:
- Using a cell phone
- Texting
- Eating and drinking
- Putting on makeup
- Talking with passengers
- Reading maps or other materials
- Watching a video
- Fiddling with the radio or stereo
- Using a GPS or other navigation system
Many of these are tasks that can simply wait until the driver has arrived at his or her destination. When a driver attempts to cram too many activities onto the road, injuries and even fatalities can result.
Three Distinct Forms of Driver Distraction
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly all types of distractions a driver can encounter can be sorted into three umbrella categories.
The three main types of driver distractions include:
- Visual distractions that take the driver’s eyes off the road and mirrors.
- Manual distractions that take the driver’s hands off the wheel, clutch, or gear shift.
- Cognitive distractions that take the driver’s minds off the task driving safely.
Picking up and using a smartphone is highly dangerous and the root of a large percentage of all distracted driving accidents because it engages the driver in all three forms of distraction at once. Even the hasty act of checking a text message requires at least one hand to come off the steering wheel, removes the driver’s line of sight from the road, and entirely removes their thought process from driving.
Additionally, the NSC has concluded that cognitive distractions last 30 seconds on average, meaning a driver will still be thinking about a text they read for half a minute longer after putting the phone away.
Texting While Driving Accidents
Distracted driving is among the leading causes of accident-related death and injury in California. At Del Rio & Caraway, P.C., we've seen our fair share of texting and driving accidents, along with the devastating consequences that innocent people suffer because of someone else's bad decisions.
Because it is illegal to text and drive in California, it can be much easier to establish liability in these types of car accident cases. However, it is not uncommon for the negligent driver and their insurance company to claim the injured party shared fault in order to decrease the amount of damages they must pay out. If this has happened to you, we can fight back so the truth is heard.
The Facts About Texting & Driving
More than 2.5 million individuals in the country are involved in motor vehicle accidents every year and, 1.5 million of which involve cell phone use. In other words, over 60% of motor vehicle accidents in the country occur because of distracted drivers.
In fact, driving while using a cell phone is often considered more dangerous than drinking and driving. According to some studies, drivers who text and drive are 6 times more likely to be involved in a collision than those who drive drunk.
A few other alarming distracted driving statistics include:
- 1 out of every 4 accidents in the United States occurs because of texting and driving.
- The time a driver spends with their eyes off the road increases by 400% when they text and drive.
- Almost half of all drivers in the country admitted to answering their phones while operating a vehicle.
- At any given time throughout the day, about 660,000 drivers are using a cell phone while driving.
Begin a Free Case Evaluation with Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. Today!
Distracted driving accidents tend to result in serious injuries, some of which are fatal. If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident that occurred because of a driver who was texting, you need a knowledgeable and fierce legal advocate on your side.
At Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. in Sacramento, we are passionate about helping the wrongfully injured and will do what we can to obtain compensation on your behalf. Our distracted driving attorneys in Sacramento are passionate about getting you the results you deserve. This means that we will take your case all the way to trial if needed.
Let us represent your rights and provide you with a voice to speak against those responsible for your injuries.
Contact Del Rio & Caraway, P.C. today at (916) 229-6755 for a FREE consultation so you can learn more about your legal options.

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